Monday, January 28, 2008

DryEyeTalk news: New Q&A with Frank Holly

I'm very pleased to announce that Dr. Frank Holly has joined Dry Eye Talk, answering questions in a special Q&A forum.

To many of you who have heard his name, you know him as the scientist who formulated the Dwelle, Dakrina, NutraTear, and FreshKote products. Some of you LASIK old-timers will fondly recall all the time he has dedicated to patiently answering questions and helping struggling patients back on the former SurgicalEyes website some years ago.

Dr. Holly's scientific contributions to the field of lacrimology, however, extend so far beyond the development of these products that I feel quite inadequate to the task of writing any kind of introduction for him. I'll just let him speak for himself. The Q&A is already underway and promises to be most interesting. Come join!

Check it out at this link:

It's a moderated forum, so please have a look at the guidelines to get a sense of how it runs.

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