I suppose I'm just as excited and proud as any other rookie gardener about what's been peeping out from under the leaves and I thought I'd share some pictures here.
Here's part of the 2nd cucumber patch. The first one, which I'd started too early so not too much of it germinated, was mostly turned into bread & butter pickles a couple of weeks ago. I think some of these new ones will be destined for dills.
Here's some summer squash:
and Panos just spotted the first spaghetti squash today:
I bought all my seeds last December at heirloomseeds.com and I am really, really loving everything so far. There were a few disappointments - the onions and carrots never came up at all, and the okra - ok, this was not surprising - hasn't done anything. But everything else is gorgeous and thriving in spite of my laissez-faire approach to gardening. Naturally, tomatoes are top of the list for pleasure. I have six different varieties out there. The very earliest were Italian heirlooms that I transplanted in early May - I left all the rest till mid or late May and later, staggering them a bit because we were still having sub-freezing nights till about the middle of May. But the Italians started ripening about the end of July and are wonderful eating. I couldn't get any pics of anything ripe today because I'd cleaned them out yesterday but here's a few of the other types:
The German pinks are doing better than anything else. The plants are taller than I am and without any fertilizing or pruning or anything at all really other than somewhat inadequate staking, they seem as happy as anything. Some of the tomatoes on the vines right now are about the size of small cantaloupes. The picture doesn't really do it justice but some of these are going to be awesome slicing tomatoes:
I've been so happy with those that I started some more recently in the greenhouse. I don't know anything about pollination needs but I'm hoping somehow to be able to keep those going in the greenhouse this fall since they're getting a nice head start with our warm weather now:
I'll stop now - I haven't got much experience blogging with pix so I want to make sure this works, then I'll come back with a few more from the orchard and garden and my first-time canning results, and hopefully some more pics from back in the spring.
That's what I miss about Washington (besides the humidity) - having a garden!
~Kim, AZ
Great work, Rebecca!!!! Wish I could sit at table with you to enjoy the fruits (and veggies) of your labor. Makes my vegetarian heart glad to see all those BEAUTIFUL plants! Love to you and yours.
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