Novel Ocular Lubricant Containing an Intelligent Delivery System: Details of Its Mechanism of Action.
Dev Ophthalmol. 2010;45:139-147. Epub 2010 May 18.
Springs C.
Department of Ophthalmology, Indiana University, Indianapolis, Ind., USA.
Objective: The purpose of this review is to outline the mechanism of action of a novel ocular lubricant incorporating hydroxypropyl-guar (HPG) and the demulcents polyethylene glycol 400 and propylene glycol.
Methods: The literature relating to the mechanism of action of Systane Ultra is presented. The literature search covered the period prior to June 2008. A manual search was also conducted based on citations in the published literature. Additional original reports were referenced if relevant to the subject matter of the review.
Results and Conclusion: The published literature supports the efficacy of an ocular lubricant containing HPG at reducing the signs and symptoms of dry eye through its multiphasic behavior and duration of action. This new formulation presents an additional benefit of a delivery system to further reduce the assimilation time of the product on-eye. Beneficial outcomes have been documented for tear film interaction, blur profile, viscoelasticity and tensile strength. Copyright © 2010 S. Karger AG, Basel.
I have to read any description of the difference, if any, between the "ultra" drops and the non-Ultra drops, other than the price. The ingredients list on the package is exactly the same for both
Yes there a difference. The Ultra drops are great. They have made a difference in my comfort and don't leave a blury sticky feel to your eyes. They regular Systane should be taken off the market.
I couldn't agree more that Systane Ultra is a whole differnt animal compared to NON ULTRA. Systane NON ULTRA is sticky, very blurry for a long time, and blinking makes it feel like it's tearing off my corneas--it actually hurts like needles poking my eyes when the blurriness starts to finally leave. I have it in now, and was compelled to google this (Good thing I'm a touch typist, as I'm blind right now still). Next time I won't make the mistake of buying NON ULTRA.
Systane Ultra leaves a sticky uncomfortable residue on the edges of my lids, which causes me to want to rib my eyes. I'm looking at Refresh preservative free for a replacement.
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